With the Airco Cleaning, your air conditioning will give you a breath of fresh air !

With the Airco Cleaning, your air conditioning will give you a breath of fresh air !

The patented cleaning process with the Mercedes-Benz Professional Genuine Air Conditioning Cleaner ensures fresh air effectively and permanently thanks to the active anti-odour ingredient. Not only do you benefit from excellent air quality in your car, but also a pleasant atmosphere for your passengers.

Where many cleaning agent suppliers offer to maintain your air conditioning with apparently effective sprays and diffusers which only temporarily mask unpleasant odours and have no cleaning effect, the Mercedes-Benz cleaning process effectively tackles the potential causes of odours.

Our patented cleaning process is certified by the ECARF quality label of the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation. The certificate confirms that the use of the products is particularly recommended for people who are allergic and/or sensitive to odours.

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